Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Nel caso si voglia testare la formula per misurare il "beer goggles" (vedi post sotto), e' bene sapere a quanto ammonta una unita' di alcool.

Ecco la risposta dal sito del Dipartimento della salute inglese.

"What is a unit of alcohol?

A unit of alcohol is 10ml of pure alcohol. Counting units of alcohol can help us to keep track of the amount we're drinking. The list below shows the number of units of alcohol in common drinks:

- A pint of ordinary strength lager (Carling Black Label, Fosters): 2 units
- A pint of strong lager (Stella Artois, Kronenbourg 1664): 3 units
- A pint of ordinary bitter (John Smith's, Boddingtons): 2 units
- A pint of best bitter (Fuller's ESB, Young's Special): 3 units
- A pint of ordinary strength cider (Woodpecker): 2 units
- A pint of strong cider (Dry Blackthorn, Strongbow): 3 units
- A 175ml glass of red or white wine: around 2 units
- A pub measure of spirits: 1 unit
- An alcopop (eg Smirnoff Ice, Bacardi Breezer, WKD, Reef): around 1.5 units

Aggiungiamo una nota seria (sempre dalla stessa fonte):

"The Department of Health advises that men should not drink more than 3 - 4 units of alcohol per day, and women should drink no more than 2 - 3 units of alcohol per day. After an episode of heavy drinking it is advisable to refrain from drinking for 48 hours to allow your body to recover. This is a short term measure and people whose pattern of drinking places them at significant risk should seek professional advice. Such breaks are not required on health grounds for people drinking within the recommended benchmarks above (...)"

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